About me

For those that don't know me I am Jon. I am a Christian and in the last 26 years I have managed to do quite a lot, most of which I wont bore you with now. My Church is the Salvation Army and God willing, one day in the not too distant future I hope to become an Officer (minister). I am not your average Christian or Salvationist. The views and beliefs I hold are from the personal experiences that I have gained, mostly since the age of 16.

I believe that Christianity should be about living Christ in the world where we rely on God and His word for everything. I can not understand "exclusive" or "exclusionist" Christianity, and I find it difficult to understand the use of God's word to condemn people.

As I said living Christ in the world is very important to me, I don't always manage it and failure could be said to be my constant companion. In this blog I hope to document my successes and failures in the hope that it may be seen by someone who needs to know that being a Christian does not make one perfect, it does not protect one from mistakes or difficult times. That it may be seen by someone who needs to understand that Christianity is not a cure all healthcare solution, that prayers can be answered no as well as yes and that dark times lie even in the lives of the most devout believer. But ultimately I hope that this will show that no matter what life, the world, anyone or anything can throw at us there is a love out there that overcomes all, heals all and makes everything right, but that it is in his time, the right time and not ours.

I am always happy to receive messages, comments and even criticism so go ahead and leave a comment. I only ask that any comment, even a negative one, is made in a spirit of discussion and debate and not one of hate.
